Turandot - Liù

Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 

Valeria Sepe’s Liù was a very welcome discovery. Hers is a genuine, Italianlyric soprano, with real promise. She filled the text with so much meaning, while she floated up top with ease and a beautiful control of dynamics. The voice is a good size and carries well – in fact, from my seat, she was more audible than Maslova. Without doubt an artist I would be delighted to hear again.”


Opera di Roma  

No reservations however for Valeria Sepe, excellent in both the roles of Margherita and Elena: a clear voice, with a beautiful clear timbre and considerable perfection in the high notes and coloratura, she was an intense and poignant Margherita and an Elena closed in the pain of memory : “pure ideal form” in the dimension of dreams.

Domenico Del Nero



Opera di Roma  

The Neapolitan soprano gave an excellent performance thanks to a beautiful lyrical voice and great charisma on stage, capable of making us savor the pain of the deceived and unaware woman guilty of matricide and infanticide.



Teatro Regio di Parma

Nedda is Valeria Sepe, who brings talent and freshness to the stage; the soprano has a good volume and a well-measured emission, careful to take care of the sound both in the most dramatic moments, when for example the character rebels against Tonio, and in the love duet with Silvio.

Alberto Dilenge

Connessi all’Opera


Sydney Opera House

Italian soprano Valeria Sepe well deserved those muffled shouts for her finely sculpted yet dramatically expressive performance of the consumptive Mimi.  She was light and delicate as she threaded the whimsy of flirtation in her first scene and unravelled in her last, cut through ensembles with telling edge in the ebullient chaos of Cafe Momus, and rose to warmth and rich power in the climactic moments of acts one and three.

Peter McCallum

The Sydney Morning Herald 


Teatro Bellini di Catania 


Teatro Massimo di Palermo

“Valeria Sepe is a practically perfect Nedda: the quick and carefree figure has the provocative and provocative charm of the turn of the century femme fatale, while the delicately mottled voice is the flexible instrument that perfectly matches the needs of the role. Precious is the attack of the Ballatella with a trill of immaculate grace, delicious virtuosity that anticipates a dreamy and airy vocality like the free flight of birds, poetically evoked in the song "

Giuseppe Montemagno

Connessi all’Opera

The absolute protagonist of the opera, soprano Valeria Sepe's Mimì, receives well-deserved thunderous applause on stage, putting all her skill at the service of a role that is not easy due to the many variations in tonality and vocal range required, showing the same mastery, grace and accuracy in the execution of the high notes as well as in the moments in which a soft and light emission of voice is required, almost like a nightingale. Listening to the famous Romance “Yes, they call me

Mimì” gives emotions that accompany us for the entire duration of the performance and the notes of the musical theme associated with the character mark with extreme precision her every movement or entry on stage, certainly thanks to rigorous and accurate teamwork between the direction and direction of the orchestra

Norma Giusca

Opera Libera


Teatro Massimo di Palermo

"The cast triumphed in Valeria Sepe's Liù, greeted by the warmest applause on 22 and 23 January ... with its enthralling stage presence, the thickness and the intense tone of its beautiful wide and homogeneous voice, well projected forward and capable of subtle damping, and with an always appropriate and anxious accent, it was a memorable Liù. "

Eraldo Martucci



Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 

“Valeria Sepe is a pretty easygoing Nedda both scenically and vocally. The instrument has its strengths in the clear timbre and in a good projection, proving to be particularly full-bodied and full of colors when the texture beats in the central and acute area, as evidenced by the yield of "Screech up there". The soprano then proves he can phrasing with taste and giving the right accents to the character. "

Filippo Antichi

Connessi all’Opera


Teatro Regio di Parma

“Valeria Sepe, specifically, was an intense Mimì, of considerable dramatic depth. A homogeneous and coloristically rich vocality, a solid technique, a beautiful singing line allows her to clearly convey the essence of the Puccini character, her conscious simplicity "

Annunziato Gentiluomo

GB Opera


Teatro Massimo di Palermo

"Valeria Sepe, called to replace an ailing Marina Rebeka, was not intimidated at all, returning a growing performance. His They call me Mimì, because I don't know how to disarm for the sweetness returned and his cry of yearning for life, but when the thaw comes, the first sun is mine, the first kiss of April is mine !, it inflames to tears . La Sepe, strong of a beautiful and homogeneous vocality combined with a clear diction, mastery of the legate, has returned all the nuances of the role. " 

Giovanni Messina 

GB Opera

MEFISTOFELE - Margherita

Teatro Verdi di Pisa

"Valeria Sepe, young soprano with a beautiful pure lyric timbre in constant artistic growth: in shaping her Margherita she has shown her ability to use a wide palette of colors, to be moving and to modulate music without indulging in inappropriate magniloquent emphatic accents tragedienne: after all, a poor peasant woman dies, not a diva like Adriana Lecouvreur, and the exhausted, disillusioned, resigned, dignified simplicity with which she whispered "Enrico, mi fai ribrezzo“ came as a blow to the heart. Vocally the Sepe, in addition to the beauty of the timbre, is distinguished by a compact and compact acute register. "

Nicola Lischi

GB Opera


Teatro Massimo di Palermo

CARMEN - Micaela

Arena di Verona

“Valeria Sepe seems to portray a Micaela in the wake of Mirella Freni's. The voice of the young Italian soprano is important in volume and sound, the timbre is very beautiful and is enhanced in the center and in the high. She felt a little shy (it was her Arenian debut), but her performance was overall excellent and appreciated by the public, for expressive sincerity that must be commended. Our hope is to see you soon in some role of Puccini, author for whom we think his voice was born. "

Francesco Lodola

Ieri, oggi, domani Opera

“In the role of Nedda he sang Valeria Sepe. We find her with immense pleasure in the joyful clothes of a cheeky Colombina in which the desire for love and carefree lightness are combined with the ardor of a woman of great passion. As always Valeria Sepe manages to unfold the beauty of her voice with great security and strength, measuring expressiveness in a perfect phrasing. He leaves his mark in this role with great sympathy and fun not without having procured some more palpitation when, rejecting Tonio's advances he reproves the hated suitor with a whip and a threatening look and a black silk petticoat that, to a certain point of attempted violence, it shows the fleeting vision of a beautiful bare leg up to the thigh. "

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